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Can a camel go through the eye of a needle?

October 13, 2024 Jesus’ teaching on how difficult it is for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven is an extremely difficult teaching for most of us who are middle-class and above, despite the fact that many of us might not consider ourselves ‘rich’.    The term ‘rich’ is essentially a comparative term - it is in a particular context that a person is considered rich.  I am poor compared to the Ambani family in India who reportedly spent around a 120 million British Pounds on just the wedding celebrations of their younger son  in 2024 - an amount, as somebody calculated, was for them the equivalent of someone like me buying an I-phone, or going on a ten-day cruise.   On the other hand, I am informed that  in India, anyone who has more than  Rs. 1.5 crores (approx. USD 175,000) in total assets, belongs to the top 1% of the Indian population.  This figure does not seem too much when we realise that the cost of a two-bedroom flat in any part of Mumbai, India (where I l ive) would beg

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